Film Fx Transitions Pack 1.0
30 clips reproducing either individually or combined a number of film effects and film flash most of which are generally called camera light leaks: the effect of light leaking through the gate. Film FX 1.0 clips are available for purchase individually by following this link. Read the reviews here and here.For Mac & PC compatible with:
- Description
- System Requirement
Film FX transitions pack 1.0 provides 30 clips reproducing either individually or combined a number of film effects and film flash most of which are generally called camera light leaks: the effect of light leaking inside a film camera and/or the negative being, somehow, exposed to light.
The effects have been designed bearing in mind that outcomes from such occurrence are innumerable but that certain camera light leak “looks” are generally preferable as a light leak transition effect. Other transitions include old countdown and multilayered old scratched film effects. A good number of these clips have been designed to be used modularly. They can be purchased here or individually by following this link.
* This tutorial demonstrates how the clips are used within an editing programme.

Compatible with all versions from 2009 onwards of After Effect, Premier Pro, Avid Media Composer, FCP 6/7 and X, Motion, Resolve on PC and Mac.