
Enabling you to completely customize mographs for music videos, promos, corporate videos, documentaries, TV and news and a lot more. Featuring Displays, Fractals, Lower Thirds and Sci-Fi Mographs templates. It also includes two Sport themed templates as a free bonus! Read the review here on Alex4d.com.

For Mac compatible with:
Compatible with Final Cut Pro

(For a solution for all hosts and PC users, click here) Powered by FxFactory

Experience all the features of Hi-Tech by downloading the free trial or buy it now for $ 49


  • Description
  • System requirement
  • DEMO


Effects Templates for Final Cut Pro X

Futuristic Screen

A convex screen allowing the user to apply up to 2 images or clips on top of each other. Perfect for futuristic displays or used as the default radar.

FCP X 10.0.8 or above, Mac OSX 10.7 or above, FxFactory 4.1 or above, a graphics card of at least 1GB is strongly recommended.